Social, Environmental, Resilience, Governance Indices Improver
SERGII maintains data on how your business is tracking in terms of sustainability and takes care of all data relating to the social, environmental, resilience and governance (ESG) aspects.
SERGII has been created as a Microsoft 365 App and can be accessed securely allowing review and edit function on any device with an internet connection. SERGII is the place to maintain up to date data on how your business is tracking in terms of sustainability. SERGII takes care of your business data relating to the social, environmental, resilience and governance.
Our platform has been optimized to seamlessness store and interact with all the market leading ESG reporting tools enabling an unparalleled ESG business intelligence.
Build-Apps where engaged by the GBCA (Green Building Council of Australia) to explore the creation of their there marquee rating tool GreenStar. Using SERGII as the underpinning data structure we where able to build a custom public interface on top of SERGII to create a dynamic interface meeting all of GBCA
“We have been thrilled to partner with Build-Apps on our digital journey. Their support has fast-tracked the GBCA’s digital opportunities and substantially improved our progress in this area.”
Davina Rooney
Green Building Council of Australia
Following the success of our engagement by GBCA Build-Apps team proudly offer the SERGII platform Pro-Gratis to all World Green Building Council organization.