Modern Slavery
Build-Apps Pty Ltd ABN: 11 633 316 588, UK CN: 12295718, referred to as “Build-Apps” is a 100% Australian owned and controlled proprietary limited company. The company is registered in Australia and with shares being privately held and not listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Whilst the company is not required under present legislation to report under or meet the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cwlth) or the Modern Slavery act 2018 it acknowledges the requirements under these respective acts and makes the following statement accordingly.
We are committed to ensuring our solutions are for the greater good and ensure all our clients also have Modern slavery statement in a process of on boarding.
Unlike majority of software providers all our development in onshore with local developers this not only ensure our cyber risk is minimised but help us regulate the exposure to modern slavery risk many software business face.
Build-Apps performs and delivers Software to the building and property industry. Its core services include software deployment, support, and customisations. Each of these services are performed by employees of the company and the provision of their technical excellence in consulting advice, inspections, reporting, monitoring, and analysis.
Modern Slavery encompasses criminal offences relating to deprivation of civil liberties, human trafficking, forced Marriage and child labour. Modern slavery reporting will incorporate modern slavery risks that may impact adjacent obligations for the purposes of compliance with labour and immigration legislation.
As a software firm we deem our risk and exposure to Modern Slavery as being low. This is due to the absence of the requirement for a supply chain in the delivery of our services as they are based on the knowledge and experience of our employees and our company.
Where the company does use a supply chain, for instance in the subcontracting of services that may augment those of Build-Apps in the overall contractual delivery, or where additional specialist advice is required, the company performs the following actions to assess and address modern slavery risks.
Due diligence and review of the company structure and ownership.
Review of the organisation’s compliance structure and insurances.
Discussion of the provision of services to be performed and if any external services or supplies how these are to be sourced and controlled.
Provision and review of compliance with the Modern Slavery Act (if applicable).
Review of performance and reputation as part of an overall assessment of risk.
In the event any risks are identified in relation to Modern Slavery or areas giving rise to modern slavery concerns, these are to be referred to the company’s CEO for direct action. This action may take the form of:
Consultation with Build-Apps Employees to clarify services to be delivered and required supply chain.
Consultation with proposed Subcontractors to clarify services to be delivered and required supply chain.
Detailed supporting documentation around supply chain activities.
Site visits/ audits to review supply chain activities and obligations.
Where appropriate, decision made not to proceed with supply.
Documentation of the above process on the company’s records.
The above is assessed prior to signing any contract for services which must be reviewed and authorised in line with Build-Apps Delegation of Authority. This process is considered thorough and provides a high level of assessment of risk, engagement with all tier 1 suppliers, a grievance and action mechanism. All Build-Apps employees with exposure to suppliers are provided relevant training in this area.
Build-Apps will assess its exposure to Modern Slavery risks on a continual basis through regular discussions with its employees and its Senior Management Team. This continual assessment may give rise to revision of the company’s Modern Slavery Statement and processes and where appropriate this statement will be revised accordingly.